Institutions and Labs

Centre for Intelligent Sensing

The Centre for Intelligent Sensing is a focal point for research in Intelligent Sensing at Queen Mary University of London. The Centre focuses on breakthrough innovations in computational intelligence that are expected to have a major impact in transforming human and machine utilisation of multiple sensor inputs for interpretation and decision making.

The Centre facilitates sharing of resources, exchange of ideas and results among researchers in the areas of theory and application of signal acquisition, processing, communication, abstraction, control and visualisation.

Electronics for the Information Society

The Elios Lab of the DITEN Department at University of Genoa is engaged since years in the research and development of innovative applications of Intelligent Electronic Systems in several fields, such as Games, Education, Autonomous Vehicle and Health.

Elios Lab works in collaboration with several Italian and international companies, in joint industrial research projects, also funded by the European Union. Partners include: Fiat Research Center, Leonardo SpA, BMW, VTT, Jaguar-Land Rover, PSA, Zanichelli, Objective.

Publications & Citing


  • Bajaj, N., Carrión, J. R., Bellotti, F., Berta, R., & De Gloria, A. (2020). Automatic and tunable algorithm for EEG artifact removal using wavelet decomposition with applications in predictive modeling during auditory tasks. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 55, 101624. [Download]
  • Bajaj, N., Bellotti, F., Berta, R., Carriòn, J. R., & De Gloria, A. (2018, December). Auditory Attention, Implications for Serious Game Design. In International Conference on Games and Learning Alliance (pp. 201-209). Springer, Cham. [Link]

Under review

  • A database of physiological signals for analysing auditory processing of natural speech.

  • Statistical analysis of factors affecting the auditory attention.