Introduction: Getting started

In this section, we explain how to get started with the dataset and modeling. For ease all the necessary element and codes are put into one python library called - phyaat

1. Install Library

First install the python library

pip install phyaat

2. Download dataset

Once Phyaat library is installed, the dataset can be downloaded using it. You could download all the dataset together or data of one particulat subject for testing and running.

import phyaat as ph

# to download dataset of subject 1 in given path 'dirpath'
dirPath = ph.load_dataset(dirpath = '/phyaat/dataset/',subject=1)

# to download dataset of all the subjects
dirPath = ph.load_dataset(dirpath = '/phyaat/dataset/',subject=-1)

3. Preprocessing

3.1. Filtering

import phyaat as ph

3.2 Applyting Artifact Removal on EEG

import phyaat as ph

4. Extract X,y for task

4.1 Extracting Segments - listening, writing, resting

import phyaat as ph

4.2 Extracting X (raw signals), y for given tasks

import phyaat as ph

4.3 Extracting X (spectral features), y for given tasks

import phyaat as ph

5. Applying pretive models - SVM

import phyaat as ph